Thursday, January 31, 2008

Slashdot on the Pope

Working in information technology, I make it a point to visit slashdot, a technology news site, a couple of times a day. The subjects covered on this site are many and varied and the same can be said of the user comments attending each news item. Today, they linked to this story, in which the Pope spoke on various bio-ethical issues. Hilarity ensued. My favorite comment was this:

"First lets deal with the ridiculous: An institution whose authorities have never experienced marriage and procreation presents itself as an authority on marriage and procreation."

You could say the same of a lot of scientists and slashdot readers.


evagrius said...

I found the comments not be hilarious but tragic.
The levels of ignorance, prejudice and anti-religious sentiment from non believers to former Catholics is an awful testament to the failure of religion, not just the RC Church, to fully explicate and articulate what they are about.
Depending on "authority", whether this is based on some texts or organizational, simply will not work for a large part of the population, especially those who've received an education that requires thinking to any degree.

Dismissing the statements as some form of ensuing hilarity is not an adequate response.

Sean Roberts said...

While I agree with your sentiments, all I could do was chuckle as I read the comments on slashdot. What else is there to do with a bunch of people who are convinced that the Catholic Church proscribes c-sections?