Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Deadwood - Season 3

The wife and I finally finished Deadwood Season 3. Disappointment on all counts. First, what a bummer that this fantastic series got cut short. Second, the third season in general and the finale specifically were real let downs. With just a fraction of the intensity of the previous seasons, I wish they'd spent more time working with the characters they had than developing several of the pointless story lines that featured so prominently. I am speaking specifically of the theater troupe, although the saga of the livery and Aunt Lou's son were also a waste of time.

The season/series finale was also a bummer. Frankly, ending with a whimper would have been an improvement over the dull, soft thud of this ending. Why on earth did they think anyone cared one jot about Langrishe's whining that the opening night of their production might be delayed by the power struggle with Hearst?

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